"The School to Prison Pipeline" The School to Prison Pipeline is a nationwide system of local, state and
federal education and public safety policies that pushes students out
of school and into the criminal justice system. This system is proportionately
targets youth of color and youth with disabilities. Inequities in areas such as school discipline, policing practices, high-stakes testing and  the prison industry contribute to the pipeline.

This week on Radio Civil Liberties, we take a look at some of the most important issues on the Civil Liberties 2010 Agenda:
Reproductive Freedom: Under New York State Law the right to an abortion is recognized as an exception to the penal code--a statutory anachornism that pre-dates the "Roe v. Wade" decision. The NYCLU has helped draft a bill that clearly and affirmatively recognizes reproductive rights. The goal is adoption of the Repoductive Helath Act in New York Law. 

LGBT Rights: As to passage of the marriage bill, it's not if it will pass, but when. In 2010 we'll focus our advocacy for marriage fairness in key electoral districts. We'll also press for action in Albany that prohibits bias-based bullying in our
schools and discrimination based upon gender dentity and expression.  

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: America’s immigration system is broken.

After decades of
ignoring the problem, our country faces the reality of tens of millions of documented and undocumented immigrants facing routine violations of their basic human and civil rights. With so many forced to live in the shadows of society, Americans often forget about the civil rights crisis taking place across the US—and throughout New York State.Together with allies from across the political spectrum, the NYCLU supports a comprehensive reform of our immigration system that will finally respect fundamental civil rights and liberties
Legislation that takes major strides toward repairing America's broken immigration system. The American Civil Liberties Union and its affilaites like the New York Civil Liberties Union strongly supports responsible reforms to U.S. immigration policy and calls on Congress to ensure that any legislation protects the civil rights, civil liberties and human rights of everyone in the United States, regardless of his or her immigration status. To Find out how you can help: Visit the NYCLU's website to call on NY’s Congressional Delegation to Take Up Fight for Immigration Reform